Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I recently had the pleasure of seeing six Gerhard Richter paintings in the same room at the St. Louis Art Museum. Anyone who has the chance should go see them. You can get right up to "Betty" without the alarms going off and four of the gray abstraction paintings are up right next to her. The focus on the twist of the shoulder is so tight it really is amazing.

Last semester I wrote a paper for a contemporary painting and sculpture class about "Betty" and Richter's collective body of work. I was really intrigued by the idea of subverting painting or rather saying that painting has become redundant because of what Richter has accomplished.

The bottom image is from Tim Davis' "Permanent Collection" series. I don't know what I think of it.


Doctor Who said...

So, the bottom image is a reinterpretation of the original 'Betty' or just a picture of the original, with glare from a flash?

Oh, had an awesome time on Friday.

Mike Reinders said...

yeah, the bottom is davis' own piece of work, he found the reflection from the lights in the gallery and setup his camera to capture it with the glare.

I mean... it's interesting, but it's been done. He's either ripping off richter or sherry levine or both.