Friday, June 20, 2008

old school

I was browsing art and design websites while at work today and happened across my old undergrad school's graduate program requirements. It sounds all a little too familiar and in some cases sounds tougher than what columbia has already put me through:) The 5 year time limit thing sounds a little problematic to me, I think I knew about that when I went there but had no real sense of what that actually meant. Time in grad school speeds up. But then to be in it for 5 years would- in a lot of ways- actually set you back. Notice the part about the written thesis/defending your thesis in front of the whole faculty for two hours... candidacy summed up more or less.

from the University of Missouri, Columbia MFA program

Student Evaluation

The full graduate faculty of the Art Department reviews every MFA candidate once each year to determine the rate of progress. If the candidate fails to receive a passing evaluation during the review, which must be an average score of seven (7) or higher, the student is placed on probation for one semester and is required to be reviewed the following semester. If two consecutive unsatisfactory reviews occur, the student is dismissed from the MFA program.

During the semester prior to graduation, the student must receive clearance from their MFA graduate committee to write the thesis and to mount the thesis exhibition in order to graduate. A two-part thesis is required, which must include:

  • A thesis exhibition selected and installed by the MFA candidate to display visual, artistic and professional achievement.
  • A written thesis that defends the conceptual and philosophical ideas of the visual artwork. Photographic record of the pieces discussed must be included in the written thesis.

Each degree candidate must pass a two-hour oral examination that focuses on the aspects of their academic study related to the thesis and visual work.

The time limit for completion of the MFA degree is five (5) years. Time spent in military service is excluded. For an extension for other reasons the student must petition the Graduate School through his/her primary advisor.

The five-year period will extend from the beginning of the first semester of enrollment in which the student is accepted to the MFA degree program to the date of his/her clearance to graduate.

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